Interiors of ships and yachts, authentic and luxurious habitats

To date, it is superfluous to note the fact that the most precious and sought-after furnishings can be found in their natural environment in boats with a considerable cost.

Coverings and furnishings veneered and embellished with the noblest essences, burls, feathers or "figured". The precious Teak is par excellence the wood dedicated to naval use for the construction of external decks and surfaces exposed to the typical atmospheric agents of the sea. Very oily, just worked it offers a delicate fragrance typical of leather. It is native to the regions of South-East Asia but is also cultivated in Africa and to a minimum also in the Caribbean. At the molecular level, studies have shown that there are two genetic origins, one from Laos and Myanmar and the other from India.

These "floating villas" represent the top in terms of furnishings; each environment, from the most intimate to the largest, is characterized by that exotic nature typical of the aquatic context in which they move.